There is one true God…

A trinity of Father, Son, Spirit

And all of creation is His Story. 

God made the world and entrusted the ruling care of it to humans;

Humans rebelled and broke it.

God enacted a plan to fix it.

Jesus, God in the flesh, came to earth to fix the storyline humanity had broken. through Jesus’ life, death on the cross, and resurrection from the dead, new creation life has begun and He has become the one true Lord of the world. 

Humanity has been set free to resume our role as image bearers of God and partners on mission with God in His work of redeeming and restoring the world.

This ‘new way of being human’ is called the church, Christ’s body here on earth.

Water baptism is the way we step into this new life.

The Holy Spirit is the one who empowers us for this new life.

God’s word shows us how to live this new life.

And ‘together’ is the way we do this new life, carrying out God’s mission through our worship, work and love, living in the hope that Jesus is returning not to destroy creation but to make all things new.

Pastoral Statements

of City Life Church